Gary Lee2023/05/26 9:16pm

Bibles from around the world

The Bible is the holy book of Christianity and consists of two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. While there are various translations of the Bible in different languages, the names of the Bibles around the world generally correspond to the language they are written in. Here are a few examples:

  1. English: The Bible (King James Version, New International Version, etc.)
  2. Spanish: La Biblia (Reina-Valera Version, Dios Habla Hoy, etc.)
  3. French: La Bible (Louis Segond, Bible du Semeur, etc.)
  4. German: Die Bibel (Lutherbibel, Einheitsübersetzung, etc.)
  5. Portuguese: A Bíblia (Almeida Revista e Corrigida, Nova Versão Internacional, etc.)
  6. Italian: La Bibbia (Riveduta Version, Nuova Riveduta, etc.)
  7. Russian: Библия (Синодальный перевод, Русский Синодальный перевод, etc.)
  8. Chinese: 圣经 (和合本, 新译本, etc.)
  9. Korean: 성경 (개역한글, 새번역, etc.)
  10. Arabic: الكتاب المقدس (الترجمة العربية المشتركة, الترجمة العربية لمصدر واحد, etc.)

These are just a few examples, and there are numerous translations of the Bible in different languages worldwide. Each translation aims to convey the biblical text into the respective language while maintaining the essence of the original scriptures.

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